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The Yearbook | Senior Grad Photo Book

offer your clients a photo book with their very own senior year memories


Product Description

Being a professional photographer myself, I LOVED having all of these beautiful products of my own son with professional images inside. I’d sit and look at my albums and canvases of my family’s professional sessions and be so happy to have them. But I’d always wish I had a way to showcase our every day life… my son wearing my husbands boots while eating an oreo, his first haircut, his first foods, pics from his first steps and his first birthday and all the moments in between. I finally decided to take all of my images off my phone (and old phones) and do something with them. After creating the first 5 years of albums of my son’s life, I thought, “Why wouldn’t my clients want something like this? To have an album of their seniors’ every day moments to commemorate her big senior year?”

Once I figured out the process and how to sell it, I started talking to my clients about it. I WAS SHOCKED at how well this incredible product sold. I’ve offered this product for 3 years now and at least 50% of my clients purchase a yearbook at their ordering sessions to this day. Several will even purchase multiple books: one for their big senior trip, one for their senior year, etc. Is this product specific to high school seniors? NO WAY! Imagine being a brand new Momma or a Momma to be. They are wanting to capture every single little thing about this precious new being in their life. Talk to them about all of the little moments that can be documented in this book: their first bath, steps, laughter, rolling over, first solid foods, breastfeeding and bottles, EVERYTHING. This book will allow them to go back and visit those little moments for the rest of their lives. No moment like that should stay on an electronic device… in print is where it belongs.

It has become one of my favorite products to sell since streamlining the process and making it so easy for my clients to say YES. This photographer’s product includes a PDF guide with a script of exactly what I say to sell it & showcase it, the process behind getting the images from the client, and even a design tutorial using FUNDY (any other album design software will work as well).

+ The Yearbook PDF Guide
– milestone ideas for all genres
– sales script: what to say
– the process behind gathering client images
– how to guide them for categorization
– e-mail instructions to client
– frequently asked questions

+ The Yearbook Video Tutorial
– how to categorize given client images
– designing the Yearbook with FUNDY
– important things to remember when designing


All information, PDF guides, and video tutorials included in this purchase are allowed for photography business ONLY as an educational guide. Purchased use is intended for PERSONAL use only. You are prohibited from selling this product or any part of its structure including text, copy, design elements, the design itself, example images, videos, or any other intellectual property as a whole or part. This includes making profit from or sharing the previously stated items in digital or printed form. You are also prohibited from sharing this product with any other third party. COMMERCIAL LICENSE NOT INCLUDED. LEGAL ACTION WILL BE TAKEN IF THIS PRODUCT (PART OR WHOLE) IS SHARED OR SOLD TO ANY OTHER PERSON OTHER THAN THE SOLE PURCHASER.

You may NOT purchase this product if you live within 150 miles of The Woodlands, TX.

terms of use

All sales are final. Due to the digital nature of our products, no refunds will be given. Please be sure to review all product details before completing your order. Sharing, transferring, or selling this product in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. For more details, please review our Terms of Use

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